Friday, May 21, 2010

Hong Kong!

I’ve grown incredibly fond of my job with Campus America in the past 4 months. There is nothing I’d rather be doing at this time in my life than building relationships with college students and calling them to pray for their campuses. I’m grateful to be in Athens, giving leadership to our prayer room and encouraging the local church. Between traveling to universities, meeting up with firey college kids and scoping out what the Lord is doing around the state, China has been on my mind and in my heart. As hard as I try to keep my thoughts on Georgia I always come back to Susie, Molly, Annie and other Asian sisters I met while working at a college camp last summer.

It’s the kindness of the Lord that I have the opportunity to return to China this summer. My first experience in the mainland revolved around evangelism. The second time around was perhaps the most intimate experience I’ve had with the Father overseas, making many Chinese friends who gave their lives to the Lord.

This summer will be my first visit to Hong Kong. I've been invited to serve God’s destiny in China through mobilizing prayer and intercession at Gateway Camp. Working with international prayer and worship leaders, we’ll facilitate a 24-7 “Prayer Center” where we’ll cover the camp, Hong Kong and China in prayer and worship, provide a place or the campers to come and encounter God, offer prayer ministry, and cry out for the salvation of Asia.

Just 4 years ago a conglomerate of dreams and visions were colliding in my heart. Today I sit in my home in Northeast Georgia watching the pieces come together. This is a strategic time and I’m humbled to be in the whirlwind of what God is doing on the earth.

Financial needs: Travel to China is expensive, nearing $2500, and I have significant financial needs in this season in order to pick and go as the Lord leads. If you would like to sow financially into this work and ministry, you can do so! Tax-deductible financial gifts can be written and sent to “The Wesley Foundation” c/o Katie Cornick with my name in the note and mailed to 1196 Lumpkin St, Athens, GA 30601. If you're interested in joining my regularly monthly support team contact me personally at